About Us
A talented and diverse group of industry leaders with real-world professional business experience, the AmericaChamber.com team is founded
on the principal of growing Business to Business and Business to Consumer relationships.
AmericaChamber.com was created to drive unique traffic between entrepreneur's throughout America so that they can do business with each
other on a local, regional, national and international basis. We are not a buyers club nor just a website business directory. We are a team
of working professionals and advisors assisting entrepreneurs and businesses through a unique quality and ethical online service.
Executive Board
Jack Miller, President, Pensmore Software
Ely Melchor, SVP Sales and Marketing, Panhandle Bank
Dave Messer, COO, 83 Degrees Magazine
Board of Advisors
Lorena Alverez, VP Software Development, Crescent
Jason Harris, VP Technology, MSG GROUP LLC
Jill Atkinson, VP Editorial Development, Atkinson Debt Law